Destination Reviews

Do you need more exposure for your destination or resort? Trekaroo receives over one million views per month, and reviewing properties, services, and products in the family travel sphere is what we do! We’ll pair you with the best Trekaroo Guroo for your region, who can dispatch a vetted, professional Trekaroo Superoo and family to your property or destination.

<insert screen capture of a hosted review>

What will they see and do? It’s up to you!

Most brands choose to show our Superoos a weekend’s worth of family fun, with lodging, dining, and/or activities. Providing transportation is always optional, and there is never any cost to reviewing a property or destination. Trekaroo reviews live within our reader-based review section of the site, and are labeled as complimentary visits, for the purpose of review. See a Trekaroo Superoo review.