What’s the difference between a review and a sponsored post?

A Trekaroo review is exclusively about your destination or travel brand. It is either reader-generated or generated by a Trekaroo Superoo, at the request of a destination or travel brand. There is never any cost to requesting a review, other than the hosted visit. A sponsored post is generated by the Trekaroo editorial team, and lives on the popular Trekaroo blog. Unlike a review, a sponsored post is all about the subject at-hand, whether that be beach travel tips or multigenerational travel planning. The sponsoring brand buys a sponsor’s spotlight within the post, where their messaging is included. When a sponsor buys a post, our editorial and sales team pair the sponsor with a relevant post free from competing messages, but the post will not be exclusively about the brand.


Where will my sponsored post live on Trekaroo?

Sponsored posts live on the Trekaroo blog, seen by 270, 000 unique readers per month. Posts are evergreen, archived indefinitely on the site, and highly searchable with SEO keywords.


I represent a travel product for kids. Will you tweet about it?

All sponsored campaigns include extensive social media amplication, including 5-10 tweets, depending on the campaign package. Should Trekaroo review your travel product (remember, reviews are cost-free), social media is not included. However, we tweet about products we think are great all the time, at our own descretion. Chances are, your product will be included at some point, if it stands out to us as family-friendly.


Can I work with Trekaroo on an ongoing basis?

Yes! Often, the best time period to amplify a travel brand’s messaging is year round. Trekaroo can create a campaign tailored specifically to you with editorial, social media, and banner ads spread out throughout the year. We also encourage annual sponsors for our most popular themed weeks. Get on board to sponsor Disney Days, Road Trip Week, Ski Week, or Beach Week annually, and lock in this year’s price.


There are so many bloggers in the travel space. Can you recommend the best for me and my brand?

Absolutely! Trekaroo works closely with multiple travel and lifestyle bloggers in the space. We know who is best to work with, saving you on trial and error decision making. When you sign up for one of our sponsored campaigns or blog tours, we will bring in the best of the best to write about your destination or product.


Do you offer a discounted price for multiple campaigns?

Yes. Some sponsors wish to sponsor more than one post in a given editorial week, for which we offer 10% off our rack rate. Should you wish to sponsor two projects in one calendar year, we honor this same discount. We understand budget constraints, and work with brands to invoice for our services at time that fit your fiscal calendar.


I just want display ads. Can you do that?

Yes! Please fill out a form and inquire with our ad broker here.